What Supplements Are Best For Healing Cancer?

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One question we keep getting asked is what supplements am I taking. If you have been reading Jane Mclelland’s book I recommended – How To Starve Cancer you will likely be thinking OMG how am I ever going to keep track of all these meds and supplements and where do I get them all from (which is the hardest part . . . . hours and hours of Googling and reading product labels trying to avoid bulking agents and preservatives, talc etc . .. yes they put talc in most tablets which is crazy as you will see in the toxins email). 

So what I can offer you is a HUGE long list of everything I have found out so far, that my Mum is currently taking to fight her own cancer (along with all the product links to buy the ones she is taking that I consider the best we could find), but you have to make me deal!

I am NOT recommending anyone just goes and buys all of these supplements using these links without knowing anything about them, and if you start taking 20 supplements a day you may give yourself a stomach upset and you will have no idea which one is causing the issues (likely the combination of all 20 put together).

So here is the deal, I will give you my list of chosen supplements, and all the links to buy them (in the UK, sorry US readers I will try to compile a list for you too), and I will even give you some of the research and snippets from the research that shows the benefits of each supplement . . . . . . but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do your own research before buying and taking them. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist, I am in contact with an amazing private doctor though that can help you navigate all of the COC medications, supplements and all the other integrative therapies you wish to try (that your NHS oncologist may not approve of or support), so if you would like me to put you in touch with him just send me an email and I will be happy to help, but this is just for information purposes only I am not advising or recommending you take any of these, this is your own healing journey, this is just what we are doing.

Cancer Metabolic Pathways

Jane McLelland's Metro Map
Jane McLelland's Metro Map

So this amazing graphic here is Jane’s Metro Map of all the different pathways cancer feeds through and what medications and supplements block each pathway. She states that every cancer is different and feeds differently though so it is best to do some research and Googling on Pubmed into your own specific cancer and see which pathways it utilises the most. Notice some of them appear on more than one pathway too, these are the best ones to incorporate because you are targeting multiple pathways with a single supplement.

So just to explain the graphic above cancer feeds via 3 main pathways: glucose, glutamine and fatty acids and each one of those is broken down into multiple pathways too. The coloured bars represent medications or supplements we can use to block off that pathway to cancer.

MET = Metformin, TAM = Tamoxifen, BERB = Berberine, DOXY = Doxycycline, NICL = Niclosamide, CHLQ = Chloroquine, LRTD = Loratadine, DPM = Dipyridamole, EGCG = Epigallocatechin Gallate, URS = Ursolic Acid, CUR = Curcumin, RES = Resveratrol, L-ASP = Asparaginase, BPTES = bis-2-(5-phenylacetamido-1,2,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)ethyl sulphide, MIL = Mildronate, IVC = Intravenus Vitamin C, 2DG = 2-Deoxyglucose, DCA = Dichloroacetate, 3BP = 3-Bromopyruvate, Low GI = Low Glycaemic Diet, CHR = Chromium Picolinate, QUERC = Quercetin.

Wow confused yet? Haha don’t worry, I still don’t know what most of these are either (which is why it’s important to work with someone who does). Half of these you need a prescription for but half of them are supplements we can buy over the counter. 

The Care Oncology Clinic (if you have signed up to them) prescribe Metformin, Doxycycline, Mebendazole, and Statin so that is 3-4 of them ticked off straight away.

Pill Box

Now before we start this weekly pill box will become your new best friend! We have bought 2 so once you finish one week, you can get the next week ready. It becomes so confusing, with so many pills and potions to take, this stops you becoming overwhelmed and is plenty big enough for 20 daily capsules.

So I apologise in advance because this list is going to be very overwhelming but if you are going to start taking any, just start with a couple and see how you get on, and just keep adding in every week or so. If you have stage 4 you may want to be more aggressive in your approach but taking all these every day can become quite expensive too. 

It’s hard to put these in order of priority as they all have powerful benefits so as I say I have started you off with the research but you must promise to do your own before taking anything. It is very easy you just type *xyz supplement + cancer* in Google, Pubmed and NCBI and read what comes up about it.

A few terms before we get started so you understand what the research is talking about:

Proliferation = cell proliferation is the process by which a cell grows and divides to produce two daughter cells.

Angiogenesis = the growth of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow beyond 3mm.

Cell apoptosis = normal programmed cell death (this is what cancer cells manage to evade).

Cell autophagy = a process by which a cell breaks down and destroys old, damaged, or abnormal proteins and other substances.

Antioxidant = removes potentially damaging oxidising agents.

Immunomodulator = a substance that stimulates or suppresses the immune system and may help the body fight cancer.

In vivo = in a living organism

In vitro = in a petri dish

Cell cycle arrest = Induced cell cycle arrest is the use of a chemical or genetic manipulation to artificially halt progression through the cell cycle.

The Supplements